French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,908 questions • 29,984 answers • 860,370 learners
How do you know whether or not an adjective goes before or after the noun?
The end of the passage states, "d'ici trois jours ouvrables" or "dans", but the English phrase to translate is "within" so should en not be used instead of dans? En being within and dans being similar to after ex number of days.
Can you explain when to choose toi in place of tu?
The lesson on professions and pronouns says that when an adjective is used a pronoun is needed.
So would : "Catherine, une ancienne prof de philo"
be acceptable
For this to be correct, doesn’t the subject have to be female? I answered that only “Tu as apparu comme un ange” was the only correct answer because I couldn’t assume that the sub just was female
I am not sure if this is perhaps different with American English but as someone from the UK this sounds like Anne and Antoine are in the process of going somewhere to walk their dog e.g. in their car driving to a forest. It does not imply that they are in the process of actually walking their dog. I agree that there is a subtlety specifically with the question which is that the phrase includes "with their dog" but the "are going for" implies that they are not actually yet walking their dog but intend to go for a walk with their dog. For instance if I were to say "I am going shopping to buy some food" it means that I am not actually in the process of doing the shopping. Can you please clarify if "se promènent" is the actual current act of doing something or describing the intention to do the act?
Why "Comment appelle-te cet arbre" instead of Comment appelle-t-on cet arbre" for What do we call this tree?
Why is it "des" here, when there is (presumably) only one Martine?
Interested to know why "mal de gorge" wasn’t accepted?
Incidentally there’s a very rare type of severe throat infection known as "Vincent’s angina" in English. I find from the internet that it’s named after a French epidemiologist with the magnificent name of Jean Hyacinthe Vincent.
In the following sentence - C'est ma sœur., c'est is not followed by un/une/la/le/les then why cant we use elle est?
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