Translator confusionHi Kwizik
I am a Premium member and really enjoy the Kwizik model of learning, but I also use a number of other apps, books and websites to study French. I also use 2 or 3 Translators to verify my study before committing “pen to paper” but I am getting a bit frustrated with being marked down in Kwizik, when I have picked different phrases from the recognized and popular translators (Reverso, Google, sometimes DeepL). The latest exercise is “a day in my cat Max’s Life.
EG. donner un câlin or faire un câlin? I chose donner - Kwizik said wrong, should be faire.
EG. Nourriture sèche pour chats or aliments secs pour chats - Kwizik said wrong, should be croquettes.
These are just a couple of examples, but I have many more.
My question is therefore, can Kwizik please suggest the best translator app to use, one Kwizik recommends, which will give us the best information so we get things right. Everyone uses translators so it would be handy to have that information.
I look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks - Jo
Bonjour. Thanks for your work and learning resources. I have a question.
In the attention note, shouldn't "I left [from] Paris" be "Je suis parti de paris" without the "e" at the end of "parti" ?
There is a sentence in the text:
" les odeurs de cannelle et d'épices évoquent des souvenirs d'enfance"
I seem to get this wrong quite often - why is there no article after de in all of these cases (de cannelle, d'epices and d'enfance).
Thank you!
Why are the adjectives feminine when transport is masculine?
I don't understand the difference between these two english responses. I chose the scones in the quiz and it was market wrong. Thank you for any clarification.
"Mathilde a rentré la voiture avant qu'il ne pleuve." means:
· Mathilde put the car back (in the garage) before it rained.
· Mathilde returned the car before it rained.
If 'Je suis monté en voiture' means 'I got into the car', how does one say (if visiting someone on a hill and they asks how you got there) 'I came up by car ?
Surely that is also 'Je suis monté en voiture'.....
The KWIS has a question:
Nous ________ les cheveux. We brushed our hair
(HINT: Conjugate "se brosser" (to brush) in the compound past (Passé Composé))
Answer given: nous sommes brossé
But the text states:
Reflexive verbs always use être as the auxiliary verb in Le Passé Composé.
Note also that the verb must agree with the gender and number of the person.
i.e. taking an extra -e for women, and an extra -s for more than one person,
{In text: Conjugate reflexive verbs (+être) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)}
Then should the answer not be:
nous sommes brossés ?
"Je n'ai pas de X."
Should "X" be in the singular form or in the plural? Does it depend on which form it was in in the question?
eg. "Avez-vous une voiture ?" -> "Je n'ai pas de voiture." but "Avez-vous des chaussures ?" -> "Je n'ai pas de chaussures." ?
Hi Kwizik
I am a Premium member and really enjoy the Kwizik model of learning, but I also use a number of other apps, books and websites to study French. I also use 2 or 3 Translators to verify my study before committing “pen to paper” but I am getting a bit frustrated with being marked down in Kwizik, when I have picked different phrases from the recognized and popular translators (Reverso, Google, sometimes DeepL). The latest exercise is “a day in my cat Max’s Life.
EG. donner un câlin or faire un câlin? I chose donner - Kwizik said wrong, should be faire.
EG. Nourriture sèche pour chats or aliments secs pour chats - Kwizik said wrong, should be croquettes.
These are just a couple of examples, but I have many more.
My question is therefore, can Kwizik please suggest the best translator app to use, one Kwizik recommends, which will give us the best information so we get things right. Everyone uses translators so it would be handy to have that information.
I look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks - Jo
Is this also the correct way of framing inversion questions with Object Pronouns??? -
1. L’Aimes-tu? / L'aimez-vous? [Do you like him/her?]
2. Lui parles-tu souvent? / Lui parlez-vous souvent? [Do you speak to him/her often?]
3. Les avez-vous vus? / Les avez-vous vues? [Have you seen them?]
Is the above way more formal, than the intonation method used in this lesson?
This link says that an Indirect Object Pronoun can also be introduced by the preposition pour (for). But I can find only examples with preposition ' à (to)' ...Can you please share a few examples of Indirect Object Pronouns with preposition pour; can't find them in this lesson and other Indirect Object related lessons.
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