French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,003 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,269 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,003 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,269 learners
Why is it that when you want to say new before the consonants, you say 'nouveau' but when you want to say new hotel, you say "nouvel hotel" because 'h' is a not a vowel
What is India called in French?
I translated ' to enjoy the delicious traditional meal' as ' pour se régaler du délicieux repas traditionnel'
I understood 'se régaler' was used to express the enjoyment of food rather than just eating it.
I'm fully aware that student counts as an occupation, that the article comes in when there's an adjective, etc. What's confusing me is that is I've encountered people using the article with student (and only with student, no other occupations), with even some statements from native speakers online who say "X est un étudiant" feels more natural to them. I've also seen some other programs teach this as well; I'm well aware this is a different program, and am only stating how muddy waters seem on this!
Is there a variation or shift occurring in the language (akin to the après que + subj. vs indic.)? Thanks!
So, is there a nuance between 'buisson' and 'arbuste' ? I believe that both translate to bush or shrub. Shouldn't both be accepted since there is no other description?
I can follow that most of the text is in the (futur d'anticipation).
However, I am wondering why the text switched to using the infinitive (entendre), in the last sentence? and why not use the Gerondif -en entendant. like at the beginning of the fourth sentence.
When to use que vs quoi
I am A2 level and would like to know what online resource I should use to reference words and phrases in french.
It took me a moment to understand this heading - does it mean that 1 Describing and 2 Expressing Opinions are two different uses of l’imparfait? (rather than both describing opinions and expressing them)
Biscuits is plural. Surely it should be:
I had eaten all the biscuits, and there were none left for the guests!
Thanks, Stephen
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