French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,789 questions • 29,555 answers • 842,277 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,789 questions • 29,555 answers • 842,277 learners
Bonjour, je ne suis pas sûr qu'on dit j'ai retourné la tête OU je me suis retourné(e) la tête...?!
Ou peut-on utiliser les deux ?
In this sentence, "période pendant laquelle apparaissaient les fortes chaleurs," is "apparaissaient" the correct tense?
Shouldn't it agree with the noun "période?"
Hence "période pendant laquelle apparaissait les fortes chaleurs?"
Bonjour Madame Cécile !
I am unable to understand the concepts behind the following sentences.
(A)Ce portable, appartient-il à ce monsieur?
The answers I thought were->
1.Oui, c’est le sien. 2. Oui, il est à lui. 3.Oui, il appartient à lui.
Are they correct ? Can one say- Oui, il est le sien ?
(B)Tout le monde n’a pas les mêmes goûts, chacun a __________
Here, the correct answer will be les siens. Why cannot it be le sien ?
Merci beaucoup et bonne journée!
The question is make "Elle s'est maquillée" negative. The following two responses each have a spelling mistake but one is considered "nearly right" and the other is considered incorrect. The answers are "S'est-elle maquillee" and "S'est-elle maquillé". I don't see the difference in the context of the question! Why aren't both "nearly right"?
Hi there, the last example in the video is:
Je donne une pomme à Paul.
Would the replacement with lui be:
Je lui donne une pomme
What if I wanted to replace the une pomme with la, what would the word order be?
Penultimate prompt is in fact for the last sentence.
Les enfants ont-ils récité ces mots en sautant à la corde?
This answer appears in the writing challemge: "Pre-date stress".
The question was "All afternoon, he'd rehearsed in his head"
Why would the answer not end in "la tête"? Or at least allow both la and sa?
Isn't this a similar case to "il s'est gratté la tête" (He scatched his head) where the body part belongs to the subject of the verb.
How do you say "from the ..."? My guess would be "DE LA ...". However, this can only mean some. What do I do?
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