French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,003 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,271 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,003 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,271 learners
Hi, if I was to say ‘I have been learning French since I was in school’, would I say: ‘J’apprends français depuis j’étais à l’école’ or ‘j’apprends français depuis je suis à l’école’? I am no longer in school so I’m thinking it may be the former however I’m not sure if the whole sentence needs to be in the present tense. Thanks
1) Surely glacier should be an acceptable translation for ice cream parlour?
2) I'm struggling with the use of à rather than de for the ice cream scoops. A scoop of vanilla ice cream would be une boule de glace à la vanille, but in removing the word glace, I'd think you'd be left with une boule de vanille.
Are these two phrases interchangeable or is there a subtle difference in their usage?
I am not familiar with the phrase 'chômée'
I think there is a mistake with the sentence possibilities: "My mother is taking care of the chocolate log".
Possible answers: "Ma mere s'occupe de la buche AU chocolat". "Ma mere se charge de la buche EN chocolat". and "Ma mere s'occupe de la buche de Noel EN chocolat" and "Ma mere se charge de la buche de Noel AU chocolat".
Why some have EN and other sentences AU? I dont see the difference. Shouldn't all the sentences be with AU chocolat?
Thank you
I was also thrown by this sentence because at first sight it contains the phrase "bien entendu". I guess the "bien" is qualifying "j’ai entendu parler", but does it mean something more than just "J'avais entendu parler de ce nouveau poste" ?
Could you explain why the English "Yes, I agree with you." would be translated to the French "Oui, j'accorde avec toi."? I would have thought it would be "Oui, je suis d’accord avec toi" and even Google Translate renders it that way. Not that I am saying Google Translate is authoritative, but I don't really recall "j'accorde" even being in that lesson. But I will go back and look for it again. Thanks.
(Added a couple of minutes later: I did another quiz and this time it agreed with my "Oui, je suis d’accord avec toi".)
Ma Larousse dit que échelle est féminine.
I'm curious about why there's always a question about coudre, moudre and hair in the C1 tests. I understand that they're irregular and need to be learnt, but the questions are always in the present tense, and it seems pretty straightforward for C1. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to make them e.g. A2, and include a wider range of irregular verbs? I feel there are other questions that would be more appropriate and useful for C1.
Not complaining :-), just curious.
In the sentences Ils attendent son arrivée and Ils s'attendent à son arrivée ... why use the feminine arrivée, when Ils (not elles) is the subject and HE is the one arriving. Merci
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