French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,805 questions • 29,687 answers • 848,743 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,805 questions • 29,687 answers • 848,743 learners
Isn't it odd to say she has French à trois heures (which is in the middle of the night?) Would it not be be more reasonable to say à très heures de l'après-midi or à treize heures?
The answer given is "n'y connaît rien." Seems to me this should be "n'y savait rien." This refers to knowing how to navigate a lock. Knowing how is savoir.
Why can’t i say ‘tout à fait!’ For ‘absolutely’ ?
As a note, this is very poorly written for English speaking people to translate. "Happy as a clam" = "heureux comme un poisson dans l'eau" uh, sure. Why not just write "happy like a fish in water" so we could actually translate it? "Don't be pigheaded" = "ne sois pas têtue comme une mule" again, why not just say "don't be stubborn like a mule". "I could eat a horse" = "j'ai une faim de loup" - why not just say "hungry like a wolf". Made this exercise unnecessarily hard.
Hi when I create a notebook I'm asked if I want it to be made public or not. Where can I find these public notebooks?
Thanks, Jeramy
Sorry to be off-topic but this is bugging me. In this page is written “ Il fait beau expresses that the weather looks nice”. This does not sound right (to an old, lifelong English speaker like me). “ Il fait beau expresses the feeling that the weather looks nice”, or similar, sounds better. I don’t think one can “express that …”, IMHO. (Otherwise, I am enjoying the course :)
-Bonjour ! Comment tu t'applles ?
-Je suis Laila.
-Tu n'es pas français James, j'entends un accent. D'où viens-tu?
-Je parlais anglais. Je suis de Géorgie.
-As-tu des frères et soeurs ?
- Oui j'ai une Soeur plus âgée
-j'habite dans le nord
-C'est super ! Tu parles très bien français.
-Je suppose
-Non, vraiment !
-Merci, vous êtes très gentil.
-Et tu aimes bien Bordeaux?
-Oui c'est très sympa !
-Haha ! Oui, en effet. Merci pour cette interview.
-Merci, ce fut un plaisir !
Why not 'chez la tante' rather than 'à la tante'? I thought for a person it should be chez?
Could you have "Vous nous accompagnerez la prochaine fois"? as well as "Vous viendrez avec nous.."?
Est-ce que je pourrais écrire
1)je m'assieds 'au coin' au lieu de 'dans le coin'
2)prendre une bière 'du frigo' a la place de 'dans le frigo'
Merci encore
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