French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,917 questions • 30,008 answers • 861,341 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,917 questions • 30,008 answers • 861,341 learners
Pourquoi avez-vous utilisé le dans l'expression "pour le goûter" et pas la, alors qu'il s'agit de la tarte, qui est un mot féminin ?
bonne chanson pour pratiquer mon orale et diction.
Which spelling is correct "fraiches" or "fraîches"? Treatment in the exercise and the finished text is inconsistent.
Thought you should know. I have twice tried to go on to the website suggested in the video and both times have been exposed to what I think is a scam. A realistic, but I think, false website appears for McFee virus security, and offers subscription at a lower price than going to the real website offers. Think your techies might need to take a look.
"Elle est la seule personne qui puisse m'aider = She is the only person who can help me"
Pourquoi pouvons-nous utiliser le subjonctif dans cette phrase ?
What is ready in French
The adverbial pronoun lesson says y can replace a group introduced by the preposition à + [thing(s)/object(s)/location(s)]. In this exercise the preceeding sentence has "J'ai donné tout ce qu'il me restait à mes collègues..." But the following " j'ai substitué " I believe is referring to "tout ce qu'il me restait" not to "mes collègues". Why not " je l'ai substitué" ?
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