French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,003 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,269 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,003 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,269 learners
The quiz asked me to find correctly placed adjectives and I thought colors are supposed to go after the noun? Unless there is a exception here i missed.
When I wrote "à vélo" I received a correction that I should have written "en vélo." However, I was under the impression that both "en vélo" or "à vélo" are acceptable (see: À/en + [means of transportation] (French Prepositions)). Was this an error or is there a reason that "à vélo" is not acceptable here?
Just wondering when to use il faut que + subjunctive verb as opposed to the former lesson where il faut was used without que + subjunctive verb? It seems to translate roughly the same?
Après le coronavirus je vais rejoindre mes enfants qui habitent très loin de chez nous et qui me manque tant. Je vais aussi organicer une grande fête et je vais inviter tous mes amis. Nous vont dancer, chanter, jouer la guitare.
Une otre chose que j'aimirais faire c'est aller dehors pour me promenade dans la riviere, aller a la mer, marcher sur la plage et regarder l'inmensité.
Je vais respirer l'air frais, contempler le ciel, les oiseaux et je vais me sentir libre en armonie avec la nature!!! Je vais recuperer les choses simples dont nous croiyons perdues.
In a search to demystify the difference between savoir and connaître, I stumbled upon an article earlier that suggested something along the lines of "use connaître when you've had prior experience with something" with one of the examples being "vous connaissez [name of place]?" meaning have you been to [name of place]? instead of asking whether the person is aware of the existence of said place. The second example was "Je connais Brad Pitt"; a statement that implies that one has met Brad Pitt before rather than plainly saying that they know of the existence of him. Since this lesson hasn't mentioned anything regarding what I've said above, can anyone enlighten me on this matter?
Why wasn't "d'ici minuit" an acceptable translation for "by midnight"?
Even though I'm in a semi advanced level in this platform, I'm yet to understand your writing exercises. The latest one had two possible answers but in both cases it was marked wrong. For example, pour aller au travail or pour aller travailler. Another was je devais me lever super tôt instead of je devais me réveiller. The meaning of wake up meant to be out of bed instead.
pourriez vous me dire la différence entre «au cas où besoin», «au cas du besoin» et «en cas de besoin»?
merci d'avance
You could add the English name for a male pig, which is a ''boar''.
is this correct
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