French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,002 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,170 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,002 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,170 learners
In regards to the last section about food, when do you use 'À/Aux' compared to when you should use 'De'?
When I look up "failli" in Google translate, it has "bankrupt." Yet the words "failli sursauter" translate as "almost startled" (comme "presque sursauter).
So it kind of means "You failed to be startled"? (Failli faire, mais no?) Wow... that's a stretch.
Is the meaning of "presque" (almost) slightly different then?
Is there a quiz dedicated to this issue? I see the explanations but not how to quiz myself on it.
In the example sentence "Le meilleur élève parle mieux français que moi." it really sounds to me like parle mieux becomes par lemieux, with the lemieux being very distinct. I've seen that before. Is there a reason for it?
The suggested translation of 'will justify much better' is 'justifiera bien mieux'; and if you try 'justifiera beaucoup mieux' it is marked wrong. I had thought either would be fine here?
I just want to clarify can the following be either, 'what is this' or 'what is that?' If not, how do you change the sentence to be one or the other?
Or is it it for example:
qu'est-ce que c'est : What is that?
qu'est-ce que c'est que cela: What is this?
Qu'est-ce que c'est que cela ?What is that? / What is this?Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ?What is that? / What is this?C'est quoi ça ?What is this? / What is that?Hi,
From the quiz:
What are the ways to UNAMBIGUOUSLY say "It is three fifteen PM." ?
Il est quinze heures et quart. - was marked as a wrong answear and I really don't understand why...
In this statement, the correct answer is to use c'est instead of il/elle. Why is that?
I don't understand why the present tense - devient is used instead of the future tense.
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