French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,915 questions • 29,996 answers • 860,927 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,915 questions • 29,996 answers • 860,927 learners
I cannot quite figure out why the verb 'remplir' is in the form 'remplis'. Is it because 'remplis' is used as an adjective?
Why is the expression not included in the list of given words? Surely it is less common than say enfin, car which are included?
John M
Eg. Can you say J'aime mangeant instead of J'aime manger
what should we use with piscine sur or dans
Questions about how sums of money would be expressed in English are completely pointless. They contribute nothing to learning French. Don't be like Duolingo; don't waste peoples' time with idiotic time-wasting questions. Everything else you do is wonderful.
sorry if this is a stupid question but why isn't visiter written in the infinitive form after a conjugated verb (rendre)
Can you have "je courrai sur le tapis roulant pour une demie heure" because its the future tense?
Isn't it odd to say she has French à trois heures (which is in the middle of the night?) Would it not be be more reasonable to say à très heures de l'après-midi or à treize heures?
Correct: Il est allé visiter une maison.
Incorrect: Il est allé à visiter une maison.
Can someone explain please? Thanks
I'm sure the speaker says "charger" and not "changer" in this exercise. I understand that "charger" wouldn't make sense in the context but it is still off putting when doing the exercise and trying to faithfully write what is being said
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