In Le Passé Composé (Indicatif), some verbs have very short irregular past participles (vu, dû, pu, bu, cru, su, lu, plu, tu).
Learn how to conjugate VOIR (to see), DEVOIR (to have to), POUVOIR (to be able to), BOIRE (to drink), SAVOIR (to know), LIRE (to read), PLAIRE (to like) and TAIRE (to keep quiet) in Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) in French
Note that they all work with avoir as an auxiliary.
It's worth learning this list by heart since these verbs all have the same sounding short past participle:
voir (to see) -> vu
devoir (to have to) -> dû
pouvoir (to be able to) -> pu
boire (to drink) -> bu
croire (to believe) -> cru
savoir (to know) -> su
lire (to read) -> lu
plaire (to like/to please) -> plu
taire (to silence, to keep quiet) -> tu [rare]
devoir (to have to) -> dû
pouvoir (to be able to) -> pu
boire (to drink) -> bu
croire (to believe) -> cru
savoir (to know) -> su
lire (to read) -> lu
plaire (to like/to please) -> plu
taire (to silence, to keep quiet) -> tu [rare]
See also: Expressing you like something/someone in French with the verb "plaire"
Using "devoir" in the imperfect tense versus the compound past in French (L'Imparfait vs Le Passé Composé)
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