The verb dire and its derivatives follow a specific pattern in Le Présent (Indicatif) in French.
Learn how to conjugate DIRE (to say / to tell) in Le Présent (Indicatif) in French
je dis |
tu dis |
il/elle/on dit |
nous disons |
vous dites |
ils/elles disent |
Listen to these examples:
*Other verbs are derived from dire:
redire (to say again)
prédire (to predict)
interdire (to forbid)
médire (to speak ill)
contredire (to contradict)
prédire (to predict)
interdire (to forbid)
médire (to speak ill)
contredire (to contradict)
Only redire follow exactly the same conjugation as dire = vous redites
For the other derivatives, the vous form will be different :
vous prédisez, vous interdisez, vous médisez, vous contredisez
and NOT prédites, interdites, médites nor contredites !
Here are more examples:
Note also that maudire (to curse) conjugates like finir (See Conjugate regular -ir verbs in the present tense in French (Le Présent))
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