Bonjour Madame Cécile !
In a quiz, I was given the following sentences->
1. Ils sont riches. J'ai lu ________ quelque part.
(They're wealthy. I read that somewhere.)
Now, the correct answer was cela/ça. Though I got it right but I would like to ask why “ceci” is inappropriate.
2. Elle pourra partir plus tôt : je lui ai promis ________. (She will be able to leave earlier: I promised her that.)
Here, too I would question whether “ceci” is acceptable or not.
3. ________ sera prévu. (It will be taken care of. )
The accurate answer is “Ce” but why can’t one use “Ça/Ceci/Cela” .
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.
Je vous souhaite une bonne journée.