Hi Dear Kwiziq,
I am confused when it comes to translate the personal pronouns "you" into French.
As I know, in French, "you" refers to "vous" like "You all" or the formal "vous".
And French adjectives changes in function of the gender and number. In the translation below, my confusion are in red, would you mind telling me if my translation is correct?
You've just returned home from vacation — sun-kissed and blissed out — but the moment you open your inbox or spot the pile of mail that accumulated in your absence, you’re hit with a crippling sense of anxiety.
Vous revenez tout juste des vacances, bronzé et content, mais dès l'instant où vous ouvrez votre boîte de réception ou que vous apercevez le tas de courrier qui s’est accumulé en votre absence, vous êtes frappé par un sentiment d’anxiété paralysant.