To say - "The thief is in prison for 2 years." ....are all of the below correct/acceptable ? Is 'Depuis' more preferable with present tense/ present durations and no. 2) 'Pour' is incorrect? because Pour is used with future tense/ future durations only as per this lesson?? Please clarify.
1. Le voleur est en prison depuis 2 ans.
2. Le voleur est en prison pour 2 ans.
3. Le voleur est en prison pendant/durant 2 ans. (also acceptable bcoz action is within a specific timeframe, as per this lesson?)
So, out of the above no. 1)- 'Depuis' is the most preferable way to say it because we are using present tense (and the action is still ongoing)?? And 'Pour' is not correct because it is strictly for future durations as per this lesson?