French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,004 questions • 30,294 answers • 875,435 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,004 questions • 30,294 answers • 875,435 learners
Is there a difference in usage between these three translations for "it took me an hour to do something":
"Il m'a fallu une heure pour faire qch"
"J'ai mis une heure pour faire qch"
"Ça m'a pris une heure pour faire qch"
Thank you in advance
Après avoir dû oublier l’habitude anglaise d’utiliser des majuscules pour les nationalités - ce qui est parfois un vrai lutte ! - il semble pervers de les trouver soudainement nécessaires dans cet exercice ! Est-ce qu'il y a une règle pour utiliser les majuscules quand la nationalité fait partie d'un nom d'équipe ?
Can some help me further please . Today in the news, Lionel Jospin, the ancien premier ministre said: "Le president pouvait se donner le temps de peser les risques qu'il (faisait prendre au pays)". Is faire prendre a locution? in word reference, I can't see it mentioned. Are there any lessons on faire usage as locution. thanks for your help.
Is it wrong to say "ils n'ont fait rien" instead of "ils n'ont rien fait"
on the quiz: "we are leaving at four:" I chose "nous sortons à quatre," because I took it to mean "in the process of." But "partons" is correct, because "sortons" requires an actual place. Is that correct?
We are leaving at four o’clock." ?Nous partons à quatre heures.Nous laissons à quatre heures.Nous quittons à quatre heures.Nous sortons à quatre you have a way one can practice with headphones while walking .. hands free
Bonjour. My husband and I will be in France in a few weeks and are renting a car. We’ll be in the Dordogne region on rural roads and even after reading about it I still don’t understand about stopping for cars entering from the right. It seems impractical to stop at every intersection on a road when a small road on the right has a car. Any hints on how this works ? Thank you. I’m using Lawless to work seriously on my French but am scared about driving as I’m only around a B1 level.
After learning all A1 vocab, will I be at level A1. Does it cover all topics regarding vocab? Merci.
Plural uncountable noun
les épinardsdesTu manges des épinards.
(You eat some spinach.)This explanation is incorrect. There's no such thing as a plural uncountable noun. The very definition of a non-count noun is that it doesn't take a plural inflection. You need to explain this as a difference between what's a count versus non-count noun between the two languages. "Spinach" is non-count in English but countable in French (hence taking "des."
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