French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,004 questions • 30,294 answers • 875,446 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,004 questions • 30,294 answers • 875,446 learners
In this article, it says that when talking about specific things we should use il/elle.
Yet in the example, we see a sentence that says:
C'est le fils de Martha
Wouldn't we have to use il est instead of c'est here ? Just how many kids does Martha have that we have to use a generalizing statement like c'est instead ?
Is it correct to say “que achètes tu?”
Can we use possessive adjectives instead of the definite articles? Why not?
- Pourquoi ma chatte s'est-elle léché sa patte ? [Why did my cat lick HER paw?]
- Tu te laves tes mains? [Are you washing YOUR hands?]
- Il se lave ses cheveux. [He's washing HIS hair.]
It is a little confusing, could you please explain?
It seems to me in the phrase
Je n'aime pas non plus certains supporters qui peuvent être violents ou même racistes
It should be either "violentes ou racistes" ou "violents ou racists". If the reference is "supporteurs" , I would think it would be masculine, making the adjectives masculine.
Why is the translation for crois think? Wouldn’t pense make more sense? Thank you!
I think a better translation for: "Je tins la robe avant d'aller à la soirée." is , "I wore the dress before going to the soiré" the "correct" translation, "I held the dress before going to the soiré" makes little sense, the response could only be, "Oh?".
The lesson that drew me here said the correct answer was in the imparfait. Ils ne habitaient plus ici but the examples in the lesson do not transition from the present to the imparfait. What makes the difference?
Mettez au temps convenable
en 2021, nous (étudier) souvent en ligne
is avons étudié correct or étudiions is correct?
Which is more Correct and will I get mark for passe compose in a subjective exam.
Are both technically correct?
It would be really great if this VERY important concept of Direct Object could be added to this lesson. - .
More importantly because, this lesson says this « Note that when être is used as the auxiliary in compound tenses such as Le Passé Composé, the past participle must always agree in gender and number with the subject of the verb.» --- and this statement is not true for this lesson on reflexive verbs as per the link. It creates a confusion. Kindly rectify this incorrect statement and help us new learners with the necessary concept within this lesson, please!
Thank You.
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