use of diff prepositions and meaning intended by "colloquially"—from lesson
To express in those days in French, you won't colloquially use ces jours-là, but rather à cette époque-là or en ce temps-là.
À cette époque-là, les femmes n'avaient pas le droit de vote.
In those days, women didn't have the right to vote.
In the first sentence, which I copy from the lesson, what is “colloquially” meant to convey? That “ces jours-là” is wrong but it’s used anyway? Or?
When a preposition is used, are there particular rules for using à vs. en vs. dans? Would “en cette époque-là” be incorrect? Likewise for “en ce temps-là” ? Or “dans ce temps-là”?
I came across this sentence recently:
Dans ce temps-là, ajoute Gaétan, il n’y avait pas de lampe électrique. Juste des bougies. Brrrrrr !
It is from Le trésor du vieux moulin p. 101.
Hence, my questions. THX
There was no audio for this part. I clicked on "play" and it changed to "pause" as expected, but there was no sound.
Le chiffre de 0,274 % n'est pas correct ! La probabilité d'être né un jour donné au cours d'une année normale est de 1/365 = 0,273 %. Or, le 29 février ne se produit que tous les quatre ans. Le calcul correct est donc 1/(365 + 365 + 365 + 366) = 0,068 %.
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Khyatee, mais je me fais appeler Kat.
I believe it's right but I'm not sure how to specify that Kat is a nickname/preferred name.
Are these two options interchangeable ??
I was marked wrong for using it in one of your questiona
In the sentence "Oui, je me suis maté toute la saison 1 en un weekend," why is the "maté" not "matée"? Female speaker, reflexive verb?
(Also, the pronunciation of "1" in that sentence seems clearly "un" rather than "une".)
In the phrase, "et je passerai le reste de ma vie à faire tout mon possible", instead of 'ma vie', I'm pretty sure he's saying 'la vie'.
—from lesson
To express in those days in French, you won't colloquially use ces jours-là, but rather à cette époque-là or en ce temps-là.
À cette époque-là, les femmes n'avaient pas le droit de vote.
In those days, women didn't have the right to vote.
In the first sentence, which I copy from the lesson, what is “colloquially” meant to convey? That “ces jours-là” is wrong but it’s used anyway? Or?
When a preposition is used, are there particular rules for using à vs. en vs. dans? Would “en cette époque-là” be incorrect? Likewise for “en ce temps-là” ? Or “dans ce temps-là”?
I came across this sentence recently:
Dans ce temps-là, ajoute Gaétan, il n’y avait pas de lampe électrique. Juste des bougies. Brrrrrr !
It is from Le trésor du vieux moulin p. 101.
Hence, my questions. THX
the conjugation of "lire" goes on like "lis" can someone explain how does it work? how come there's an "s"?
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