L'un(e) ... l'autre/Les un(e)s ... les autres = One ... the other(s) (French Indefinite Pronouns)

Indefinite pronouns refer to people or things without saying exactly who or what they are. "L'un ... l'autre" and "les uns ... les autres" are part of the indefinite pronouns.

How to use the indefinite pronouns l'un...l'autre/les uns...les autres in French

Look at these sentences:

Les enfants sont pleins d'énergie: les uns courent, les autres crient.The children are full of energy: some run, others shout.

Les femmes étaient occupées: les unes cuisinaient, les autres faisaient la vaisselle.The women were busy: some were cooking, others were washing the dishes.

Tom et Maxime sont très différents: l'un est calme et l'autre hyperactif.Tom and Maxime are very different: one is calm, and the other hyperactive.

Mes chaussettes ne vont pas ensemble: l'une est bleue et l'autre rouge.My socks don't match: one is blue and the other is red.

Notice that l'un... l'autre means 'one (of)... the other', and les uns... les autres means 'some (of)... others'.  

N.B.: un and autre agree in gender (un/une/autre) and number (uns/unes/autres) with the object it refers to.

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Mes chaussettes ne vont pas ensemble: l'une est bleue et l'autre rouge.My socks don't match: one is blue and the other is red.
Les enfants sont pleins d'énergie: les uns courent, les autres crient.The children are full of energy: some run, others shout.
Les femmes étaient occupées: les unes cuisinaient, les autres faisaient la vaisselle.The women were busy: some were cooking, others were washing the dishes.
Tom et Maxime sont très différents: l'un est calme et l'autre hyperactif.Tom and Maxime are very different: one is calm, and the other hyperactive.
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