Ne ... pas = Not - with reflexive verbs in compound tenses (French Negations)

You already know how to make negative sentences with reflexive verbs in simple tenses. Find out how to do the same with compound tenses.

Negative sentences with reflexive verbs in compound tenses in French

Look at these sentences:

Je ne me suis pas amusée.I didn't have fun.

Tu ne t'es pas réveillé à temps.You didn't wake up on time.

Il ne s'est pas reposé longtemps.He didn't rest for long.

Elles ne se sont pas rasées cette semaine.They didn't shave this week.

When using a negative structure like "ne/n'...pas" with reflexive verbs in compound tenses, ne/n' is placed before the reflexive pronoun "me/te/se/nous/vous/se", and pas comes after the conjugated verb être.

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Il ne s'est pas reposé longtemps.He didn't rest for long.
Je ne me suis pas amusée.I didn't have fun.
Tu ne t'es pas réveillé à temps.You didn't wake up on time.
Elles ne se sont pas rasées cette semaine.They didn't shave this week.