Indefinite pronouns refer to people or things without saying exactly who or what they are. "Certain(e)s d'entre eux/elles" is part of the indefinite pronouns.
How to use the indefinite pronouns certain(e)s d'entre eux/elles in French
Look at these sentences:
As-tu rencontré ces filles?
-Oui, J'ai rencontré certaines d'entre elles.Did you meet these girls?
-Yes, I met some of them.
-Oui, J'ai rencontré certaines d'entre elles.Did you meet these girls?
-Yes, I met some of them.
Tu vois ces mecs?
-Oui, je connais certains d'entre eux.Do you see these guys?
-Yes, I know some of them.
-Oui, je connais certains d'entre eux.Do you see these guys?
-Yes, I know some of them.
To talk about a portion of a group ('some of them'), we use the indefinite pronouns "certains/certaines" followed by "d'entre eux/d'entre elles"
Note that these pronouns agree with the gender of the group they refer to (if it is a mixed group, it will be "certains d'entre eux"
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-Oui, J'ai rencontré certaines d'entre elles.Did you meet these girls?
-Yes, I met some of them.
-Oui, je connais certains d'entre eux.Do you see these guys?
-Yes, I know some of them.