French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,921 questions • 30,016 answers • 861,792 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,921 questions • 30,016 answers • 861,792 learners
Hi, in
“Depuis mon plus jeune âge, qu'on soit à la maison ou chez des amis”
what triggered the subjunctive (i.e. “soit”). Was it the “depuis … que” structure?
Hi, In the above lessons we are led to believe that "accun(e) d'entre ils/elles is interchangeable with aucun(e) ne/n'. Yet I am marked incorrect with this question: Ces histoires ? Aucune d'entre elles n'est fiable. It says the answer is Aucune. Can someone please enlighten me?
Hi, in
“Autre ancienne élève de l'émission de télé-crochet de M6 ayant rencontré le succès”,
why is “ayant rencontré” used? Could “avoir rencontré” have been used instead? Would the meaning then be different?
I cannot here the "de" in this sentence: on a même échangé nos numéros de téléphone !
Why can’t it just be où viens tu?
Je rends souvent service à mes amis- what does it mean? Can you explain, please?
Could you please explain that sentense: c'est la preuve que nous sommes donc tout autre que les spotifs? I don't understand when we can use 'donc' in the sentense.
My dictionary gave me two choices: de plus and en plus. Qui plus est was not even a choice. I always seem to make the wrong choice. Can someone explain the nuances of the translation of besides?
Hello - I do not understand why Cette année is used, and not Cet an. We are not referring to a whole period, rather to a specific event at the end of a year.
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