Jouer de = to play an instrument in French

In French, to describe which musical instrument you play, you can use "jouer de" + [instrument].

How to use "jouer de" with musical instruments in French

Look at these examples:

Je joue de la guitare.I play the guitar.

Elle joue du violon.She plays violin.

Nous jouons de la trompette.We play the trumpet.

To say you play an instrument in French, you must use:
jouer de + definite article (le/la/l'/les) + [instrument].

Remember that le and les will contract with de and become du and des. 
La and l' will become de la and de l'.

Here is a link to our vocabulary list on music instruments:
Music instruments vocabulary in French

See also Faire de/jouer à : talking about sports, hobbies and leisure activities in French

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Examples and resources

Elle joue du violon.She plays violin.
Ils jouent de la batterie.They play drums.
Nous jouons de la trompette.We play the trumpet.
Je joue de la guitare.I play the guitar.
Tu joues de la flûte ?Do you play flute?
Jouer de = to play an instrument in French
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