Forming the plural of French adjectives ending in -al (exceptions)

Most adjectives ending in -al change to -aux (masculine plural) or -ales (feminine plural) - see Forming the plural of adjectives ending in -al in French - but there are exceptions to that rule.

The plural form of some adjectives ending in -al in French

Look at these cases:

Ces tabourets sont bancals.These stools are wobbly.

Ce sont des gens banals.These are ordinary people.

J'adore les défilés navals!I love naval parades!

The following adjectives are exceptions which take -s in the masculine plural form:

Masculine singular Masculine plural English
banal banals banal / ordinary
bancal bancals wobbly / rickety
fatal fatals fatal / lethal
naval navals naval
natal natals natal
glacial glacials   /  glaciaux freezing
final finals   /  finaux final



Both plural forms of glacial and final are accepted in French: regular (glaciaux / finaux) and irregular (glacials / finals)

Il y a des vents glacials aujourd'hui! There are some freezing winds today!

Les derniers jours ont été glaciaux !The last days have been freezing !

J'ai reçu mes résultats finaux.I got my final results.

J'ai reçu mes résultats finals.I got my final results.

See also Forming the plural of French nouns ending in -al

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Examples and resources

Ces serpents sont particulièrement fatals.These snakes are particularly deadly.
J'ai reçu mes résultats finaux.I got my final results.
J'ai reçu mes résultats finals.I got my final results.
J'adore les défilés navals!I love naval parades!
Il y a des vents glacials aujourd'hui! There are some freezing winds today!
Ce sont des gens banals.These are ordinary people.
Ces tabourets sont bancals.These stools are wobbly.
Les derniers jours ont été glaciaux !The last days have been freezing !
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