List of vocabulary in French related to money
A useful list of French vocabulary to talk about one's relationship with money
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l'argent | | money |
la famille | | family |
une histoire | | a story |
l'oncle | | uncle |
la tante | | aunt |
en argent | | (made of) silver |
naître | | to be born |
la bouche | | mouth |
des épinards | | spinach |
le beurre | | the butter |
le porte-monnaie | | the purse |
la sœur | | sister |
le panier | | the basket |
percer | | to drill |
le doigt | | finger |
un rapport | | a relationship |
accumuler | | to pile up |
emprunter | | to borrow |
un oursin | | an urchin |
brûler | | to burn |
paresseuse | | lazy (f) |
un radis | | a radish |
le cousin | | cousin (m) |
les parents | | parents |
jeter | | to throw |
la fenêtre | | the window |
près de | | close to |
vivre | | to live |
un arbre | | tree |
un poil | | a hair (not on the head) |
l'or | | gold |
les moyens | | the means |
pousser | | to grow |
empêcher | | to prevent |
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