| | |
la circulation | | the traffic |
un véhicule | | a vehicle |
conduire | | to drive |
un embouteillage | | a traffic jam |
un bouchon | | a traffic jam |
un engorgement | | congestion |
décaler | | to postpone |
prendre le volant | | to get behind the wheel |
un volant | | a steering wheel |
une autoroute | | motorway / highway |
une voie | | a lane |
le périphérique | | ring road [US: beltway] |
un axe routier | | a major road |
la sortie | | the exit |
un raccourci | | a shortcut |
prendre son mal en patience | | to grin and bear it |
un accident | | an accident |
un ralentissement | | a reduction in speed |
des travaux | | roadworks |
l'heure de pointe | | rush hour / peak time |
une voiture | | a car |
un camion | | a lorry [US: truck] |
une moto | | a (motor)bike |
un scooter | | a (motor)scooter |
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Connect the letters to form these two words from the list above. Drag between letters to guess the word.
Connect the letters to form these two words from the list above. Drag between letters to guess the word.