Transport vocabulary in French
A useful French vocabulary list of means of transports
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les transports | | transport |
un moyen de transport | | a means of transport |
voyager | | to travel |
conduire | | to drive |
voler | | to fly |
un avion | | a plane |
une voiture | | a car |
un train | | a train |
le métro | | the underground |
un vélo | | a bicycle / a bike |
une moto | | a (motor)bike |
une trottinette | | a scooter (child) |
un scooter | | a (motor)scooter |
le bateau | | the boat |
un ferry | | a ferry |
le bus | | the bus |
un car | | a coach |
un taxi | | a taxi / a cab |
le tramway | | the tramway / tram |
un hélicoptère | | a helicopter |
une montgolfière | | a hot-air balloon |
un pousse-pousse | | a rickshaw |
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