Did you know that French people call their own language "la langue de Molière"? The most famous French playwright of all time, 17th-century Molière wrote about 30 comedies that are still taught and played all around the world. In "L'Avare" ("The Miser"), we follow the wealthy and incredibly greedy Harpagon as he tries to marry his daughter, all the while obsessed with protecting a casket full of gold. The excerpt below takes place after that casket has gone missing, and "poor" Harpagon expresses his desperation in a hilariously grandiose monologue. Discover (literally) the intricacies of la langue de Molière in one of its most iconic monologues, with the help of our own bilingual transcript!
After watching the video, scroll down for the transcript in our bilingual reader, where you can click any French phrase for the English translation and related grammar lessons.

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