Charles Perrault (Portraits français)

You might not realise it, but you definitely know one or more of Charles Perrault's timeless fairy tales. This prolific French author from the 17th century wrote, among many others, classics such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Little Red Riding Hood. Learn more about his life in this article from our Portraits français series.

After listening to the audio, click any word for the English translation and links to related grammar lessons. 

Note: The tenses in this French article and its English translation don't match! In French, we use the present tense to describe historical stories like this to evoke a sense of immediacy, whereas in English, we commonly use the past tense - learn more about historical French tenses.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3



Click any word in the text to see its translation and related grammar lessons.

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