B1 : Intermediate | | Ce qui (vs ce que) = what/which (French Relative Pronouns) | | |
C1 : Advanced | | Au cas où + conditional mood (Le Conditionnel) = in case in French | | |
C1 : Advanced | | Après être allé = After going in French (auxiliary être) | | |
B2 : Upper Intermediate | | Conjugate vouloir/pouvoir/devoir in the future perfect in French (Le Futur Antérieur) | | |
B2 : Upper Intermediate | | À + qui, auquel, à laquelle = to whom, what, which (French Relative Pronouns) | | |
C1 : Advanced | | Conjugate haïr in the present tense in French (Le Présent) | | |
C1 : Advanced | | Quand/lorsque/après que/une fois que + future perfect (Le Futur Antérieur) = When/after I've done something in the future (Sequence of Tenses in French) | | |
C1 : Advanced | | Forming La Voix Passive with simple tenses in French (French Passive Voice) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using "une dizaine" and other approximate numbers in French | | |
B1 : Intermediate | | En can replace de + [phrase] (French Adverbial Pronouns) | | |
C1 : Advanced | | Demeurer can be used with avoir or être in compound tenses depending on its meaning in French (Le Passé Composé) | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Using "le" with days of the week + the weekend (French Definite Articles) | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Using le, la, les with titles, languages and academic subjects (definite articles) | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Surnames don't pluralise in French | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Colour descriptions change according to gender and number (French Colour Adjectives) | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Neuf vs nouveau to say new in French | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Position of French Adjectives - More adjectives that go BEFORE nouns | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Un/une become de/d' in negative sentences in French (French Indefinite Articles) | | |
A1 : Beginner | | À côté de, en face de, à l'extérieur de, à l'intérieur de, près de, loin de, au coin de (French Prepositions) | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Differences between French and English usages - Using "dans" with streets and means of transportation (French Prepositions of Location) | | |
A1 : Beginner | | En/au/aux = In/to with countries and continents (French Prepositions) | | |
A1 : Beginner | | En/Dans = in/to + regions/states/counties (French Prepositions) | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Ordinal vs Cardinal numbers - Differences between French and English usages | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Faire de/jouer à : talking about sports, hobbies and leisure activities in French | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Jouer de = to play an instrument in French | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Faire les courses vs Faire les magasins to talk about shopping (French Expressions with faire) | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Ça ne fait rien = It doesn't matter (French Idiomatic Expressions) | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Describing senses with "sentir" - The different meanings of the verb "sentir" in French | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using the present tense (Le Présent) - and not the compound past (Le Passé Composé) - in sentences with "depuis" (since/for) in French (French Prepositions of Time) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Expressing quantities in French with quelques/plusieurs/de nombreux = A few/several/many | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Conjugate semi-regular -oyer/-ayer/-uyer verbs in the present tense in French (Le Présent) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Conjugate recevoir and other -cevoir verbs in the present tense in French (Le Présent) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Expressing necessity and obligation in French with "il faut" | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Conjugate recevoir and other -cevoir verbs (+avoir) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Expressing opinions and describing with the imperfect tense in French (L'Imparfait) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using the compound tense (Le Passé Composé) on its own or with the imperfect tense (L'Imparfait) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Conjugate semi-regular -ger verbs in the imperfect tense in French (L'Imparfait) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Conjugate tenir and derivatives (+avoir) in the French compound past (Le Passé Composé) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | After/before versus in front of/behind (French Prepositions of Time and Place) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Monter dans, descendre de = To get on, off transportation in French (prepositions) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | En vs Dans with time (French Prepositions of Time) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using the infinitive form of verbs to express the English "-ING" | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Conjugate verbs in -aindre/-eindre/-oindre in the present tense in French (Le Présent) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Connaître vs savoir = to know something vs to know how to do in French | | |