Le marché aux poissons

"At the fish market"
French C1 dictation exercise

Louise remembers discovering a fish market on a sunny holiday in Brittany.

Pay attention to the hints!

Some vocabulary you may want to look up before or during this exercise: "accéder à", "le gravier", "serpenter", "en contrebas", "niché/e", "un étal", "aiguiser", "une écaille", "nacré/e", "la convoitise", "un goéland", "le reflux des vagues", "s'enivrer", "une effluve", "iodé/e", "jeter son dévolu sur", "une daurade", "relever (cuisine)", "le piment d'Espelette".

I'll play you French speech in sections for you to transcribe

  • Start by listening to the whole piece then hit start
  • Play each section and write down what you hear
  • I'll show you correct answers after each for you to mark yourself
Start the exercise
How the test works
Clever stuff happening!